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If you are looking to contribute to Komodo, this page is a launching point for setting up your Komodo development environment.


Running Komodo from source requires either Docker (and can use the included devcontainer), or can have the development dependencies installed locally:

  • Backend (Core / Periphery APIs)
    • Rust stable via rustup installer
    • MongoDB or FerretDB available locally.
    • On Debian/Ubuntu: apt install build-essential pkg-config libssl-dev required to build the rust source.
  • Frontend (Web UI)
    • Node >= 18.18 + NPM
      • Yarn - (Tip: use corepack enable after installing node to use yarn)
    • typeshare
    • Deno >= 2.0.2


mbecker20/runnables-cli can be used as a convience CLI for running common project tasks found in runfile.toml. Otherwise, you can create your own project tasks by references the cmds found in runfile.toml. All instructions below will use runnables-cli v1.3.7+.


After making changes to the project, run run -r dev-compose-build to rebuild Komodo and then run -r dev-compose-exposed to start a Komodo container with the UI accessible at localhost:9120. Any changes made to source files will require re-running the dev-compose-build and dev-compose-exposed commands.


Use the included .devcontainer.json with VSCode or other compatible IDE to stand-up a full environment, including database, with one click.

VSCode Tasks are provided for building and running Komodo.

After opening the repository with the devcontainer run the task Init to build the frontend/backend. Then, the task Run Komodo can be used to run frontend/backend. Other tasks for rebuilding/running just one component of the stack (Core API, Periphery API, Frontend) are also provided.


To run a full Komodo instance from a non-container environment run commands in this order:

  • Ensure dependencies are up to date
    • rustup update -- ensure rust toolchain is up to date
  • Build and Run backend
    • run -r dev-core -- Build and run Core API
    • run -r dev-periphery -- Build and run Periphery API
  • Build Frontend
    • Install typeshare-cli: cargo install typeshare-cli
    • Run this once -- run -r link-client -- generates TS client and links to the frontend
    • After running the above once:
      • run -r gen-client -- Rebuild client
      • run -r dev-frontend -- Start in dev (watch) mode
      • run -r build-frontend -- Typecheck and build

Docsite Development

Use run -r dev-docsite to start the Docusaurus Komodo docs site in development mode. Changes made to files in ./docsite will be automatically reloaded by the server.