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Advanced Configuration

OIDC / Oauth2

To enable OAuth2 login, you must create a client on the respective OAuth provider, for example Github or Google.

Komodo also supports self hosted Oauth2 providers like Authentik or Gitea.

  • Komodo uses the web application login flow.
  • The redirect uri is:
    • <KOMODO_HOST>/auth/github/callback for Github.
    • <KOMODO_HOST>/auth/google/callback for Google.
    • <KOMODO_HOST>/auth/oidc/callback for OIDC.

Mount a config file

If you prefer to keep sensitive information out of environment variables, you can optionally write a config file on your host, and mount it to /config/config.toml in the Komodo core container.


Configuration can still be passed in environment variables, and will take precedent over what is passed in the file.

Quick download to ./komodo/core.config.toml:

wget -P komodo